Personal Injury Solicitors Dublin | All accident & Inury

Back Injury Settlements Ireland

Back or Spinal Injury Claims

Have you suffered a back or spinal injury that wasn’t your fault? These injuries often occur in the workplace from heavy lifting without proper manual handling training. Perhaps you’ve had a slip or a fall that caused a back or spinal injury?

We are here to discuss your options and give you clarity with regard to loss of earnings, medical expenses and any general damages you may be entitled to.

Common Back injury claims*:

Sprains and strains* 
Trapped nerve* 
Bulging discs* 
Fractured vertebra / compression fracture* 
Cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral spinal chord injuries* 

To start, all we need is the following information:

Where did it happen?
Time and date of the accident*?
Details of treatment you are receiving / have received.

At a later stage we will be able to establish information including:

Details of your known losses (materials, equipment, personal belongings, wages)
Your employment details including time off work as a result of your accident* .

Once you’ve provided us with all the necessary information, we can begin to bring your claim.

Contact our team of Personal Injury Specialists today to find out more.

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    Step one

    Fill out our simple online form and wait for one of our qualified solicitors to call you.

    Step two

    Speak with one of our qualified solicitors to get a deeper understanding of your claim.

    Step three

    Receive your claims assessment and advice on how to make your claim.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Who is responsible for my personal injury?

    Who is responsible for your personal injury* will depend on how the accident * happened. If your injury was sustained in a road traffic accident*, the driver who caused the accident* will be responsible and we will seek damages from their insurance company. If your injury was sustained in a public place it may be the owner of a property or a government body who will become the mark. If your injury was sustained at the workplace due to the negligence of an employer or colleague, it will most likely be your employer who is responsible and we will seek damages from their insurer.

    Every accident* has different elements to it, and because of that, no two cases are identical. The process of getting the best result in a personal injury case may differ according to the unique circumstances of the case. We at Personal Injury Solicitors Dublin specialise in getting the best result for you.

    What am I entitled to as a result of my injury?

    Your entitlements resulting from a personal injury will depend on the circumstances surrounding the accident*, and the losses suffered. You may be entitled to loss of earnings if you have been absent from work as a result of the accident*. You may also be entitled to general damages as a result of pain and suffering as well as out of pocket expenses.

    Many factors influence the outcome, such as:

    •  Your age
    • Whether you were partially at fault
    • The nature and extent of your injuries
    •  The nature and extent of your losses
    • Other involved parties


    How long will my personal injury claim take?

    Every personal injury case is different and lots of factors will determine how quickly Personal Injury Solicitors Dublin can bring your case to a conclusion. Factors can include liability, or if court proceedings are necessary to resolve will dictate how long a case takes and the nature and complexity of the personal injury* suffered.

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