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Noise Induced Hearing Loss - Do you understand NIHL?

What is NIHL, or Noise Induced Hearing Loss?

We answer the most common questions about Noise induced Hearing Loss, what are the symptoms, and whether your employer could be responsible in the event of you pursuing a legal claim.

Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is a form of hearing impairment that can be brought about by prolonged exposure to loud noise. In some instances, plaintiffs are exposed for many years, with inadequate ear protection.

Many people suffering from Noise Induced Hearing Loss also suffer from tinnitus, which is identified as a ringing or buzzing sound within the ears or head. Tinnitus can be very debilitating, as well as distressing. Noise at work and subsequent overexposure is not uncommon, especially in manufacturing and heavy duty industries, such as construction sites, road maintenance, factories and production lines.

Noise Induced Hearing Loss

How can I identify the symptoms of Noise Induced Hearing Loss?

  • Not being able to hear during one to one conversations
  • Asking people to repeat questions
  • Missing out on what others say in group conversations
  • Issues with background noise or lots of people talking at once
  • Having to turn the radio or your mobile phone volume up much higher than an average person would require

Tinnitus sufferers may experience a ringing, buzzing, whistling or whooshing sound within the ear.

Could my employer be liable for my NIHL?

Your employer is under a duty of care to ensure that workers are protected from exposure to noise as much as is practically possible.

If you have or currently work in a noisy working environment and you believe that this may have been the cause of hearing loss, current and past employers could be liable.

Contact our personal injury solicitors who can help and advise you. Call us today on 01-9602047 or fill out a contact form and one of the team will contact you at a time that suits.

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